ConnectBusiness Consulting | Sectors
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  • Supply and sales consultancy for conventional and renewable energy production plants, and their respective sub-components
  • Operation and maintenance of conventional and renewable energy production plant in Middle East and North Africa
  • Planning and support during shutdown operation and provision of inspection services for large refinery and gas processing plants.
  • Design review and supply of skilled manpower for project implementation.


  • Geological modelling, resource estimation, mine design and scheduling, geotechnics, water management, tailings disposal, metallurgy, environmental management, geochemistry and technical-economic modelling
  • Process development and validation, scoping study and bankable feasability study preparation
  • Support of EPC contractor for sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid and other fertilizer production plants.


  • Joint venture organization between international and local construction companies for large infrastructure projects such of pipeline, highway, railway, bridge, dam, subway, and airport
  • Project identification and tender proceeding follow up in MENA for international construction companies

Water desalination and industrial plants

  • Supply of portable turnkey water desalination plant with financing ( rental and acquisition)
  • Design service for seawater reverse osmosis plant, support of client during proposal evaluation and selection of sub-contractors.
  • Supply of all kinds of brand new or second hand industrial plants from Europe , north america and Korea