ConnectBusiness Consulting | About us
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About us

Connect Business Consulting is an international consulting firm providing advisory services to a wide variety of clients whom are active in infrastructure, Energy and industrial sectors.

What distinguishes CBC is our exclusive focus on the quality and impact of our work. By quality we mean accurate and insightful work. By impact we mean achieving real-world results for our clients.

CBC has been engaged in the following activities

favicon CBCProject Development
and Management

favicon CBCBusiness development support
for industrial equipment

favicon CBCInternational marketing and business intelligence

Our Main Achievements

  • Setting up a consortium for the implementation of a phosphoric Acid Plant (1800 Ton/hour) – 2011
  • Follow up and Support for the implementation of Barka Power Plant Project- gas fired combined cycle (424 MW capacity) 2013
  • Proposal Review and Quantity survey services for Reverse Osmosis water desalination Plant-2015
  • Setting up a consortium for the development, the installation and maintenance of radars system to the airport of Muscat – 2011
  • Construction of a phosphoric acid production unit in Gabes for the “GCT” “Groupe Chimique Tunisien” (ICM-3) in association with the Japanese group
  • Follow up and realization of a forestration management Technical Assistance and training project financed by the Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC)
  • Follow up and realization of the biggest suspended Bridge in North Africa 2005-2007.
  • Follow up and realization of Radès 2 Independant Power plant project with Alstom/ Marubeni : 1996-1998

The list of our EPC partners includes several world class companies that are in the top 50 of the ENR ranking

Support for Trading of industrial Equipments

Connect business Consulting provides business development services to distinguished industrial equipment suppliers: we provide market assessment and Survey (SWOT Analysis), set up of distribution channel, identification of sales opportunities and tenders.